Saturday Educator Sessions - 2024

  • Older, Wiser, Sexier with Laura-Doe

    Let's explore and embody some of the awesome things that living longer brings to our experience of sex!

    As the urgency of hormone driven desire abates, we could see it as a loss or an opportunity. It could give us space to explore more subtlety in our sensations and in our ways of connecting pleasurably with ourself and others. Heart-led eroticism may look very different to that which is genitally focused. Letting go of goals and enjoying the journey can bring us to a whole other way of relating intimately.

    In some traditions sexuality is considered a catalytic energy, the centre of the circle, the engine that fuels all other aspects of our life. Age does not have to be a barrier to sourcing this force. Can you imagine yourself as a sexual sorcerer? What might it look like to leave sexual legacy?

    As we expand our experience and understanding of sex we have the possibility to increase our connection with the sexiness in everything.
    Discover a fresh perspective on sexuality in our later years and join me in rewriting the story about sex and ageing.

    Saturday & Sunday 10:15am

  • Healing your Inner Maiden : A Shadow Cycles Pathway with Katherine Cailleach

    In Cyclical Wisdom, the Maiden is in the East of a Woman’s Wheel of Life- roughly from birth to age 25 years and seasonally Springtime, the waxing moon. This is the time when many aspects of identity are formed- consciously and unsconsciously.
    In this workshop, we will focus on the shadow wounds to a woman’s identity that occur when their Wheel is passing through Springtime. We will explore in depth one pathway to healing: working relationally with the Original Social and Cultural Atom.
    The Original Social and Cultural Atom is a construct that originates from psychodrama and equates to the earliest memory of your family system and close community.
    The workshop might include journaling, artwork, demonstrations and enactments. You will be shown a tool which you might use to explore your own shadow, or to help others to do so, however, the purpose of the session is education, not therapy. Sharing time with other participants will be a part of the session and you are encouraged to only go as deeply into the process as feels appropriate and safe for you.

    Friday 1:15pm & Saturday 10.15pm

  • Feminine Expression with Kerstin Buccoliero

    Connecting to our feminine expression through the exploration of the pelvic floor. Widespread pelvic floor dysfunctions often limit our movement capabilities and posture shifts.

    With focused and mindful breathing, we will commence with an awareness exercise encouraging connection with your pelvic girdle. Gentle and comfortable movements help to explore pelvic range of motion. Learning new movements enhances awareness of physical sensations within the pelvic area.

    Using our voice, we will use sound to better tune and activate our bodies.
    With focus on the personal, wordless songs and sounds of life we will work with the expression of self authentically through our own, unique vocalisations.

    To the rhythmic beat of a shamanic drum, everyone is given an opportunity to express themselves through both movement and sound. Within a supportive small group of sisters who bear witness to each expression.

    This holistic approach encourages women to explore their bodies, voices, and emotions in a safe and supportive environment, ultimately enabling them to express their unique femininity.

    Friday & Saturday 3pm

  • Making your own Elixir with Pat Collins

    We have lost so many arts over the years and one is the art of making an elixir. Often thought of as a magical or medicinal potion or it maybe something specific such as a cough elixir. It has even been termed a substance held to be capable of prolonging life indefinitely and a cure-all.

    In medical terms they are made up of alcohol and water with an active drug and sweetening, colouring and flavouring. We will base ours on vinegar, honey and glycerine and use lots of herbs and spices. I love using my weeds so you will learn many uses of the local weeds as well.

    Pat loves being a Herbalist and teaching the forgotten arts. In this Session, we'll go for a walk to discover any useful weeds and if possible use them in our elixir. Pat will also bring many herbs and spices and explain their uses. Everyone will get a bottle of the elixir we make to bring home and enjoy.

    Friday 10:15am & Saturday 1.15pm

  • Back To Our Roots – Medicinal Herbs for Women’s Resilience with Lara Ryan for Herbal Extract Co.

    A presentation on plant medicines and how they have been traditionally made and used for centuries. With a focus on root herbs, this talk will include how herbal extracts are made and how they can be used by women for various life stages. The presentation will conclude with a practical example of how to use herbal extracts topically.

    Saturday 10.15am

  • Food Talks with Sam Hawker

    A discussion on Food and our relationship with growing, with reflections from over a decade of embodied permaculture experience, garden cooking, homesteading and more. The garden taught Sam how to cook, using whatever is in seasonal abundance and getting creative with how to use it.

    This collaborative talk could go many places - preserving, recipe creativity, ethics, fermentation, frugality, time saving, nutrient density, farming practices, choices, eating meat/or not, listening to your body ... Join us for a deep dive on food and the ways we relate to our nutrition.

    For me, permaculture is not about gardening (though it can be), it's a way to be in the world - centred around Earth Care, People Care and Fair Share - the three ethics of permaculture. Come explore the ethics and how we can use them to help create nourishing lives and communities together"

    Saturday 10.15am

  • Qigong : meditation in motion with Kath Kovac

    Qigong (pronounced chee-goong) is a gentle, mindful form of exercise that reduces anxiety and stress, and improves overall health and wellbeing.

    It's suitable for all ages and levels of agility, and is a bit like tai chi, but is done standing on the spot, rather than stepping around the room. The word qigong means 'energy cultivation'.

    The slow, gentle movements relax the body, calm the mind, and gather and build energy inside the body. It is excellent for calming and balancing the nervous system, and improving circulation and flexibility.

    Based on ancient Chinese practises developed thousands of years ago, the many different qigong movements enable you to connect with the energy from the universe and stimulate the body’s immune system to naturally induce healing.

    Saturday 3pm

  • Vulva Love with Rebecca Levy

    A delicious 90 mins of Vulva Love, an Erotic Embodiment class where you will be guided through somatic practices to connect with your vulva. In nurturing a loving connection with our vulva, it can increase self-love, build arousal and body acceptance whilst feeling wonderfully pleasurable. Being present with the body and its sensations can reduce shame and lead to greater levels self-acceptance. The more acceptance and love we have for ourselves, the more we have to share with the others.

    This workshop is gentle and deep, you will be guided through practices using awareness, breath, movement and touch to cultivate a loving connection to your vulva.

    Nudity is not required, please bring a sarong or shawl to lie on.

    Friday & Saturday 1.15pm

  • V-Steam for V-Power. Why V-steam and how to do it at home! with Katrina Anderson

    What is v-steaming? It is steaming your vagina :)

    Many people do it for all sorts of reasons! Learn the herstory of V-steaming including where it came from and why different cultures do it.

    Exploring also the current science and what imbalances women have found that it addresses for them.

    In this session there will be time to teach you how to set up an at home steam session.

    This information will be shared in a light hearted, informative way including questions from the audience (which usually makes for afun and funny talk with a healthy dose of tenderness).

    This area of our bodies holds a lot...of pleasure and hurt and everything in between. Self care for every woman.

    Friday and Saturday 3pm

  • Yoga Nidra: The Way to Deep Personal Growth and Empowerment with Jill Healy-Quintard

    YogaNidra also known as the Waking Sleep can be practiced in Shavasana or Corpse Pose or sitting in a comfortable position.

    Complete relaxation occurs through focus on breath and the whole body from toes to crown of head and the inclusion of positive Intentions. This helps to realise a resolve or bring what is required to achieve a positive outcome in life by, Seeing it, Saying it, Feeling what it is like and Making it happen and know it can be released to the Universe.

    Added breathing techniques for complete wellness and mindbody balance. Plus visualisation of pure Gold Light tipping and surrounding the whole body with magical energy healing powers.

    Breath, Meditation, Relaxation to reduce any stress you're carrying and move gently into the rest of the day...

    Friday & Saturday 3pm

  • Unleashing the Fierce Feminine: Becoming a Woman of Danger, Embracing Your Inner Sacred Activist, and Defying the Patriarchy with Brenda Rogers

    You're invited to embark on a transformative journey towards becoming a Woman of Danger and uncovering your inner sacred activist.

    Embracing one's inherent power and strength is a revolutionary act, challenging the norms perpetuated by the patriarchal structures that often seek to suppress and control.

    Exploring the importance of cultivating a mindset that transcends societal expectations, urging women to be the ones the patriarchy fears—a force of change, resilience, and unapologetic self-expression

    The inner sacred activist is the urge to channel your strength towards positive change. Recognise your voice and actions have the potential to challenge oppressive systems and contribute to the creation of a more equitable society.

    By intertwining personal growth with social responsibility, you'll be inspired to align your values with activism, becoming catalysts for meaningful transformation.

    By finding the intersection between personal empowerment and collective impact, you'll leave equipped with the tools to not only navigate your own paths as Women of Danger but also to inspire others to join the journey toward dismantling patriarchal structures and fostering a world where everyone can thrive.

    Friday 1.15pm & Saturday 10.15am

  • Dancing Freedom : A Journey Through Feelings with Sara-Jane Cleland

    Dancing Freedom is a conscious dance practice to support living in oneness with ourselves, each other, the earth and the cosmos. A free-form somatic practice that blends the medicine of dance with the medicine of ceremony and co-creation. Dancing freedom takes you on a guided dance journey through an elemental wave of Earth, Water, Fire, Air & Ether - deepening your connection to life.

    In the dance, you are invited to explore an authentic way of moving - a creative expression of your unique being. There is only one rule in Dancing Freedom - you can't do it wrong! In the process of free movement with the structure of a wave pattern, it is possible to become a free flow of energy, moving into oneness, beyond the mind, personality and ego, to drop deeply into presence.

    Conscious dance provides an opportunity to release physical tension and pain, to free energy in the body, to express emotions and sounds, to connect with others, to play and to remember that you LOVE to dance!

    The theme for this workshop is 'A Journey through Feelings', using music and movement to express feelings and mapping a new way to experience and perceive feelings. We will journey through Fear, Joy, Anger & Sadness with the four elements arriving at Ether, a place of presence, emerging with the oneness of life.

    Friday Night Special 7pm

  • Responsive Medicine: How plants have different effects on different people with Stephanie Hazel

    We often talk about herbs as though their their healing effects on conditions were reliable and predictable, however many great herbalists like Dorothy Hall & Matthew Wood have argued that herbal medicine works best when we match it carefully to not only the illness but the person in front of us.

    Over the last 2 years Stephanie has been running plant connection courses that involve the students (mainly herbalists or student herbalists) taking a herb for a week without knowing what it is, and reporting back. These small-scale, blind, interactive clinical trials have revealed fascinating differences in the effects of herbs as medicine, as well as differences in effect at different dosages.

    This talk will share real experiences of more than 45 people over 8 plants - from Rhodiola to Mugwort. I’ll explore what this variability reveals about the plant-human relationship, and how we can really incorporate this wisdom into our practice as herbalists.

    Saturday 1.15pm

  • Somatic Dance : The Blossoming Woman with Anneriek Favelle

    In this session you will explore your Kinesphere. Your Kinesphere is the space around you that you take up with movement. It can be defined as you ‘personal energy field’ and is not only physical but also energetic and it can be used to create a deeper connection between you and your movements.

    As you explore your Kinesphere you will move your body, gently and freely, to its fullest extension, sideways in the horizontal plane, upwards and downwards in your vertical plane and in front and behind you in your sagittal plane.

    You will explore taking up space and to feel the fullness of your energy field. You will eventually move around the room and feel that your Kinesphere travels with you, and how it interacts with energy fields surrounding you.

    Finally as you travel inwards you will explore your inner experience of this energy.

    Saturday 1:15pm

  • Beyond the Bones: the conversation re Conscious Eldering continues on... with Yia Alias

    After the conversations we have shared around Conscious Eldership (at previous WWGs) and the stripping back to the Wisdom of the Bones that the midlife transition awakens, you're invited to explore what lies beyond.

    In a culture that has minimised the voices of eldering women, in a world that keeps elders in the shadows-
    How does that terrain look in these present times?
    How do we do Life as Eldering women?
    How do we claim the space and have we integrated the lessons from life?
    Have we cleared up? What needs letting go, so others dont have the burden of it doing it all for us?
    How do we approach the the final threshold?
    What would we like our eulogy to say about us?

    These are some of the questions that we can explore together in circle.
    Including the Beyond the Bones meditation journey, a gentle process of removing the layers of the body to connect with the Earth and to bring back a symbol to inspire the Journey into Eldership.

    Saturday 1.15pm & Sunday 1:15pm

  • Sacred Leadership: the shadow side with Manal Saroufim

    The World Needs More Rebels and Revolutionaries.

    Do you have a burning desire within you to make a real difference in the world? To become the rebel or revolutionary that the world desperately needs? But perhaps you've also doubted yourself, questioning if you truly deserve to take on such a powerful role - who are you to create change?
    Whether it's environmental sustainability, social justice, or personal empowerment, your unique perspective and passion can make a profound impact. Your power to shape the future and leave a lasting impact starts with embracing your sacred leadership.

    Sacred leadership is more than just living in light. It's about delving into the depths, facing your shadows, and owning all parts of you. We all have flaws and doubts but it's through embracing these aspects that we can truly grow and create real change.

    In this session, we will explore what sacred leadership means to you, what you want to use that leadership for, and what might be hindering your progress. Together, we'll imagine a world where you step up and embrace your sacred leadership. We'll face your biggest fear. You'll leave with a plan to integrate the wisdom you discover during this journey into your everyday life.

    Saturday 3pm

  • Turning Passion into Sustainable Prosperity with Sharon Law

    Turning your passion into a sustainable business venture and unveiling the secrets to long-term success. Delve into the profound decision of distinguishing between a soulful hobby and a viable business for enduring impact.

    Exploration of sustainable passion, discovering how to harmonise with the cosmic rhythms of market demands. Understand your business's energetic resonance with like products and services, providing practical strategies to identify competitors and carve your niche in the universal tapestry.

    Uncover the mystic wisdom of budgeting as Sharon breaks down the essential components, offering insights that bridge the ethereal and the practical for financial projections. Dive deep into the cosmic waters of record-keeping, understanding the karmic compliance obligations specific to Australia, ensuring your business stands on a foundation as solid as the earth itself.

    Your journey towards enlightened entrepreneurship awaits.

    Saturday 3pm



