Sunday Educator Sessions - 2024

  • Weave Your Own Talisman with Erin Sauerwein

    Using basic macrame wrapping techniques, creatresses will learn to weave a gemstone necklace from scratch, not just with our hands but also with heart and soul. By setting an intention and holding it in our hearts as we perform meditative, repetitive, heartfelt action our manifestations are woven into being as our personal handmade talisman comes to life. Through this practice, we create not only beautiful jewellery, but sacred energy medicine; a beacon for that which we are calling forth.

    In this workshop you will receive all required materials and learn the basic knots to set you up to complete your gemstone talisman. You may need more than the 90min time slot to finish, but you will receive an instruction leaflet to carry on at your own pace in your own space.

    Those wishing to attend are encouraged to spend a moment before the workshop to feel into what it is that you are desiring to call in. Arriving with your intention ready will help us all to drop in to our creative zone and start weaving with hands, heart and soul.

    Learning a new skill with our hands can take a bit of practice. Spaces are limited to 12 to allow enough space for some extra guidance.

    Friday 10.15am & Sunday 1:15pm

  • Self-care with Self-activation: Chinese Medicine for Women with Tatiana Brockmeier

    Chinese Medicine presents profound insights into the interconnected dimensions of spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Rooted in the belief that all disorders are spiritual disorders, the philosophy emphasizes the balance of Yin and Yang, representing the dualistic nature of existence. Yin embodies receptivity and stillness, while Yang conveys strength and action.

    In order to comprehend potential imbalances that may obstruct your optimal well-being, you are invited to delve into the fundamental elements of Chinese Medicine: Jing, Yin, Yang, Blood and Qi.

    Imbalances naturally extend beyond the physical realm, impacting mental and spiritual spheres, thus the importance of introspection. So we’ll reflect on barriers and inherited beliefs through questions on experiences, impediments, and role models in self-care and self-activation. This process aims to reveal conditioned beliefs, promoting enhanced self-awareness and empowerment through releasing them.

    Through embracing the wisdom of Yin and Yang and essential life elements, you’ll embark on a transformative journey toward equilibrium and (re)membering your amazing self.

    Friday 10:15am & Sunday 1:15pm

  • Older, Wiser, Sexier with Laura-Doe

    Let's explore and embody some of the awesome things that living longer brings to our experience of sex!

    As the urgency of hormone driven desire abates, we could see it as a loss or an opportunity. It could give us space to explore more subtlety in our sensations and in our ways of connecting pleasurably with ourself and others. Heart-led eroticism may look very different to that which is genitally focused. Letting go of goals and enjoying the journey can bring us to a whole other way of relating intimately.

    In some traditions sexuality is considered a catalytic energy, the centre of the circle, the engine that fuels all other aspects of our life. Age does not have to be a barrier to sourcing this force. Can you imagine yourself as a sexual sorcerer? What might it look like to leave sexual legacy?

    As we expand our experience and understanding of sex we have the possibility to increase our connection with the sexiness in everything.
    Discover a fresh perspective on sexuality in our later years and join me in rewriting the story about sex and ageing.

    Saturday & Sunday 10:15am

  • Women Who Dream Wildly with Hollie Wildëthorn

    Weaving Dreams into Reality, Empower the Witch Within.

    Exploring your Big Wild Dreams and the Vision you bring forth into the world. Delving into spellcraft for actualisation; how witches make dreams into reality and how your body is an explicit part of the magick you were put on this planet to create.

    We will be making magick, making connections, making herstory, making dreams real...

    Including, embodied movement, playing with magickal botanicals and getting real about what you're doing in this life, at this time, in the place and space you are living.

    Sunday 10.15am

  • The Art of Face Reading: An Intro to Your Constitution and Personality with Stephanie Nguyen

    Face reading is an ancient Taoist practice that was first used as a diagnostic tool by practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine to determine existing ailments as well as predispositions to illness of the mind, body and spirit. Following universal laws of nature, the face was considered a blueprint revealing your personality, strengths, challenges and the specific state of your organs. It is also used as a form of fortune telling and as our face changes so too does our fate.

    In this introductory session to the art of face reading we will explore:
    - the 5 different face types and associated personality traits
    - the zones of the face and the organs that they correlate to
    - how to determine vitality and constitution

    Sunday 10:15am

  • Permaculture Basics with Sam Hawker

    Permaculture basics : a brief dip into the permaculture ethics - Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share.
    This is not a lecture, it will be an interactive space for us to explore together.

    Friday & Sunday 1:15pm

  • Helpful Herbs for a Healthy Gut and Happy Mind with Sally Kingsford-Smith & Beth Attard

    Over 2,000 years ago, Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, wrote “All disease starts in the gut”. This is all well and good but it’s a bit dry! As herbalists, our minds like to embellish and paint a more detailed picture. We joke that his mum, Praxitela, worried about her son’s stinky farts and blue moods told him many times, something along the lines of “If you don’t poo well son, how can you expect to excel in your studies?” and thus his famous line was born.

    We now know how important it is to have a healthy gut for a happy mind. Join us for an adventure into the world of easily accessible herbal medicines used to support and nurture your digestive and nervous system.

    Dandelion, the ‘weed’ that lovers of neat lawns, despair of, is one such herb we’ll look at.

    Friday & Sunday 10:15am

  • Beyond the Bones: the conversation re Conscious Eldering continues on... with Yia Alias

    After the conversations we have shared around Conscious Eldership (at previous WWGs) and the stripping back to the Wisdom of the Bones that the midlife transition awakens, you're invited to explore what lies beyond.

    In a culture that has minimised the voices of eldering women, in a world that keeps elders in the shadows-
    How does that terrain look in these present times?
    How do we do Life as Eldering women?
    How do we claim the space and have we integrated the lessons from life?
    Have we cleared up? What needs letting go, so others dont have the burden of it doing it all for us?
    How do we approach the the final threshold?
    What would we like our eulogy to say about us?

    These are some of the questions that we can explore together in circle.
    Including the Beyond the Bones meditation journey, a gentle process of removing the layers of the body to connect with the Earth and to bring back a symbol to inspire the Journey into Eldership.

    Saturday 1.15pm & Sunday 1:15pm

