Do you have a question?
Wise Women Gathering is organised by Hollie Wildëthorn from the Institute for Self Crafting.
There is a single person behind everything you see here, supported by a community of incredible women. Everything you see here, represents a community who have come together over almost a decade of meaning-full events. We are all in this together.
When is it held?
3rd weekend in May (or the weekend after Mother's Day), every year - Friday to Sunday, with optional early arrival upgrade for Thursday, and late stay on Sunday evening.
Where is it held?
Webb's Creek, 90 minutes north of Sydney
How do I get tickets?
They go on sale in July (early bird) and are released in brackets throughout the year, until last call on the 1st May. With each release the price increases.
I can’t find the application form for Educators and I really want to contribute to your gathering. Can I still put myself forward?
If Educator Applications have closed for the year, there is no way to apply. Please come back next year. Any email requests of this nature will be ignored.
I can’t come now. Can I get a refund?
Fees are fully refundable with a processing fee of $50 until January 10th, and 50% refundable until April 1. After April 1, there will be no refunds. Registration can be transferred at any time to a woman of your choice.
Before you ask, have you checked…

What to expect
Early Arrival
Thursday Optional Upgrade
Early Setup
Thursday Dinner
Friday Breakfast
you must be pre-registered for this option
Check-in 2pm - 8pm
Evening Event 7:30 - 8:30pm
Sessions with some of Australia's best educators
For Early Arrivals Optional Upgrade
you must be pre-registered for this option
Intensive Workshops
Thursday 4.00-7.00pm
Friday Check-in
7am - 9am
Conference Begins 830am for Opening Circle
Accomodation mostly camping with optional cabin / glamping upgrades
Opening Circle
Welcome to Country on Darug Land
Official Opening
Friday 8:30am
Bring your grandma, mum, sister, daughter...
There’s something for all ages.
Be part of claiming space for connected women across the generations. Elder Tickets, Maiden Circle and Kids Camp make this event accessible for all ages.
30+ Educational Sessions
Herbal Wisdom, Holistic Healing, Women's Mysteries & Community
Sessions are recorded and available to attendees after the weekend.
Panels, 3 sessions each day & Evening Events
Song and Celebrations
When Women sing together, everyone sounds beauty-full.
We share song space all weekend. Reclaiming voice and space with woman-centred songs, woven throughout our program and celebration events.
Kids Camp
Childcare in Kids Camp for ages 3 - 10
Mamas! Enjoy the sessions while your babes are occupied, making friends and having fun
Qualified facilitators are here to make your child's conference experience extra enjoyable
Healing Space
Open all weekend
A co-creative space where practitioners of various modalities offer sessions.
Book in for some nourishment : Lomi Lomi, Reiki, Sound Therapy, Shiatsu, Womb Massage and more...
Ceremonies and Circles
We open in Ceremony on sacred Darug Ground, with guidance from the Indigenous women of our community.
We finish as we began; women being, with respect for the land and each other.
Opening Ceremony 830am Friday
Closing Circle 3pm Sunday
Babes Welcome
Mums with babes in arms, toddlers and kids all have a place at Wise Women Gathering.
Kids Camp and Maiden Circle provide care for kids while mum enjoys the educaional sessions. Babes in arms go along with mum, except in our Container Room, which is baby-free for deep emotional work.
Fully catered
Nourishing, Ethical, Organic Meals lovingly handmade from the best quality ingredients we can find.
Herbal Teas and Delicious Snacks from our sponsors
All meals included in the ticket price.
Maidens Circle
Sacred Space for our Maidens ages 11-14
Maiden Girls have their own special space, led by a passionate and inspiring mentor, with a schedule made especially for their group.
Wisdom Panels
Panels featuring our Educators
Herbal Wisdom - Women's Mysteries - Holistic Living - Community
Wise Women Talking... Morning and Afternoon Panels and Discussions..
Red Tent & Sacred Spaces
Whether you want to share space or take time to yourself, we’ve created sacred places to rest, regenerate and revive your deepest self.
Nourishing spaces wherever you are onsite.
Open Mic Night
Share your gifts and share your love.
Everyone from first timers to professional performers share the stage for an evening of open hearted entertainment.
Saturday 7pm
Relax and Nourish
Relax, Play, Swim, Shop and Connect with other women, or take time for yourself... make this time your own.
Connect and learn, and go home with new sistars…
Open all weekend
Be sure to bring some cash to enjoy our wonderful community marketplace, full of ethical, beautiful and inspiring items.
Books, Oils, Herbs, Clothing, Plants, Medicine, Decor, Drums, Soap and more...
Trauma-Informed Space
Our Weavers are trauma-therapists and ‘safe space’ is a priority in every way.
Counsellors onsite all weekend, and debrief follow-ups available when you go home.
Your heart is safe with us.
Dance and Embodiment
Conscious Dance and Somatic Movement Sessions to shake your body and dream into future possibilities.
Special Dance Event Friday 730pm
Adults Late Night Dance Party Saturday 10pm
Sistarhood Foreva
Arrive alone, leave with a community.
We pride ourselves on creating a connected, collaborative space to nourish friendships and inspire ongoing real-ationships.
An online platform to stay connected when you go home.
Late Stay
Sunday night late stay allows you to gently pack up and head home without the rush.
Sunday dinner and Monday breakfast are included.
Late Check-out 10am Monday