Friday Educator Sessions - 2024

  • Weave Your Own Talisman with Erin Sauerwein

    Using basic macrame wrapping techniques, creatresses will learn to weave a gemstone necklace from scratch, not just with our hands but also with heart and soul. By setting an intention and holding it in our hearts as we perform meditative, repetitive, heartfelt action our manifestations are woven into being as our personal handmade talisman comes to life. Through this practice, we create not only beautiful jewellery, but sacred energy medicine; a beacon for that which we are calling forth.

    In this workshop you will receive all required materials and learn the basic knots to set you up to complete your gemstone talisman. You may need more than the 90min time slot to finish, but you will receive an instruction leaflet to carry on at your own pace in your own space.

    Those wishing to attend are encouraged to spend a moment before the workshop to feel into what it is that you are desiring to call in. Arriving with your intention ready will help us all to drop in to our creative zone and start weaving with hands, heart and soul.

    Learning a new skill with our hands can take a bit of practice. Spaces are limited to 12 to allow enough space for some extra guidance.

    Friday 10.15am & Sunday 1:15pm

  • Self-care with Self-activation: Chinese Medicine for Women with Tatiana Brockmeier

    Chinese Medicine presents profound insights into the interconnected dimensions of spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Rooted in the belief that all disorders are spiritual disorders, the philosophy emphasizes the balance of Yin and Yang, representing the dualistic nature of existence. Yin embodies receptivity and stillness, while Yang conveys strength and action.

    In order to comprehend potential imbalances that may obstruct your optimal well-being, you are invited to delve into the fundamental elements of Chinese Medicine: Jing, Yin, Yang, Blood and Qi.

    Imbalances naturally extend beyond the physical realm, impacting mental and spiritual spheres, thus the importance of introspection. So we’ll reflect on barriers and inherited beliefs through questions on experiences, impediments, and role models in self-care and self-activation. This process aims to reveal conditioned beliefs, promoting enhanced self-awareness and empowerment through releasing them.

    Through embracing the wisdom of Yin and Yang and essential life elements, you’ll embark on a transformative journey toward equilibrium and (re)membering your amazing self.

    Friday 10:15am & Sunday 1:15pm

  • Elemental Sound Healing with Mignon Mukti

    Finding inner and outer balance through voice, sound and breath.

    Awaken your inherent relationship with the elements of Air, Water, Fire and Earth.

    We will journey within the layers of our spiritual, mental, emotional and physical bodies to connect with the elements. We will honour each element as the building blocks of creation and how they walk with us as we walk a spiritual or shamanic way.

    Through meditation, somatic singing, toning and sound from many traditions we open our hearts to balancing the elements within us and without us.

    We will discover the magical power of invoking each element for our own healing and balance through embodiment with breath.

    We will learn how the elements represent free will, the exchange between giving and receiving and how to understand the balance of reciprocity.

    We will integrate our healing and elemental balance with a gentle sound journey with gong, voice, crystal bowls percussion and medicine drum and open ourselves to a place of stillness and rest.

    Friday 10:15am & Sunday 1:15pm

  • Helpful Herbs for a Healthy Gut and Happy Mind with Sally Kingsford-Smith & Beth Attard

    Over 2,000 years ago, Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, wrote “All disease starts in the gut”. This is all well and good but it’s a bit dry! As herbalists, our minds like to embellish and paint a more detailed picture. We joke that his mum, Praxitela, worried about her son’s stinky farts and blue moods told him many times, something along the lines of “If you don’t poo well son, how can you expect to excel in your studies?” and thus his famous line was born.

    We now know how important it is to have a healthy gut for a happy mind. Join us for an adventure into the world of easily accessible herbal medicines used to support and nurture your digestive and nervous system.

    Dandelion, the ‘weed’ that lovers of neat lawns, despair of, is one such herb we’ll look at.

    Friday & Sunday 10:15am

  • Making your own Elixir with Pat Collins

    We have lost so many arts over the years and one is the art of making an elixir. Often thought of as a magical or medicinal potion or it maybe something specific such as a cough elixir. It has even been termed a substance held to be capable of prolonging life indefinitely and a cure-all.

    In medical terms they are made up of alcohol and water with an active drug and sweetening, colouring and flavouring. We will base ours on vinegar, honey and glycerine and use lots of herbs and spices. I love using my weeds so you will learn many uses of the local weeds as well.

    Pat loves being a Herbalist and teaching the forgotten arts. In this Session, we'll go for a walk to discover any useful weeds and if possible use them in our elixir. Pat will also bring many herbs and spices and explain their uses. Everyone will get a bottle of the elixir we make to bring home and enjoy.

    Friday 10:15am & Saturday 1.15pm

  • Healing your Inner Maiden : A Shadow Cycles Pathway with Katherine Cailleach

    In Cyclical Wisdom, the Maiden is in the East of a Woman’s Wheel of Life- roughly from birth to age 25 years and seasonally Springtime, the waxing moon. This is the time when many aspects of identity are formed- consciously and unsconsciously.
    In this workshop, we will focus on the shadow wounds to a woman’s identity that occur when their Wheel is passing through Springtime. We will explore in depth one pathway to healing: working relationally with the Original Social and Cultural Atom.
    The Original Social and Cultural Atom is a construct that originates from psychodrama and equates to the earliest memory of your family system and close community.
    The workshop might include journaling, artwork, demonstrations and enactments. You will be shown a tool which you might use to explore your own shadow, or to help others to do so, however, the purpose of the session is education, not therapy. Sharing time with other participants will be a part of the session and you are encouraged to only go as deeply into the process as feels appropriate and safe for you.

    Friday 1:15pm & Saturday 10.15pm

  • Unleashing the Fierce Feminine: Becoming a Woman of Danger, Embracing Your Inner Sacred Activist, and Defying the Patriarchy with Brenda Rogers

    You're invited to embark on a transformative journey towards becoming a Woman of Danger and uncovering your inner sacred activist.

    Embracing one's inherent power and strength is a revolutionary act, challenging the norms perpetuated by the patriarchal structures that often seek to suppress and control.

    Exploring the importance of cultivating a mindset that transcends societal expectations, urging women to be the ones the patriarchy fears—a force of change, resilience, and unapologetic self-expression

    The inner sacred activist is the urge to channel your strength towards positive change. Recognise your voice and actions have the potential to challenge oppressive systems and contribute to the creation of a more equitable society.

    By intertwining personal growth with social responsibility, you'll be inspired to align your values with activism, becoming catalysts for meaningful transformation.

    By finding the intersection between personal empowerment and collective impact, you'll leave equipped with the tools to not only navigate your own paths as Women of Danger but also to inspire others to join the journey toward dismantling patriarchal structures and fostering a world where everyone can thrive.

    Friday 1.15pm & Saturday 10.15am

  • Feminine Expression with Kerstin Buccoliero

    Connecting to our feminine expression through the exploration of the pelvic floor. Widespread pelvic floor dysfunctions often limit our movement capabilities and posture shifts.

    With focused and mindful breathing, we will commence with an awareness exercise encouraging connection with your pelvic girdle. Gentle and comfortable movements help to explore pelvic range of motion. Learning new movements enhances awareness of physical sensations within the pelvic area.

    Using our voice, we will use sound to better tune and activate our bodies.
    With focus on the personal, wordless songs and sounds of life we will work with the expression of self authentically through our own, unique vocalisations.

    To the rhythmic beat of a shamanic drum, everyone is given an opportunity to express themselves through both movement and sound. Within a supportive small group of sisters who bear witness to each expression.

    This holistic approach encourages women to explore their bodies, voices, and emotions in a safe and supportive environment, ultimately enabling them to express their unique femininity.

    Friday & Saturday 3pm

  • The Art of Circle with Kath Kovac

    What is a women's circle? How do they run, and what are they for?

    If you have never attended a women's circle before, then this is the ideal workshop to start off your gathering weekend.

    Find out about the history (or herstory) of women gathering in circle and why we were prevented from doing so hundreds of years ago.

    Discover the way a circle is set up, opened, run and closed by participating fully in your first circle. Learn the guidelines of circle, such as confidentiality, how to listen without agenda, support without sympathising, and take responsibility for your own sharing.

    You’ll enjoy a relaxing grounding meditation and experience ways to deeply connect to the other women sitting in circle with you, as well as take part in a ritual activity that ties in with the phase of the Moon.

    Bring a small personal object that has meaning for you – this could be jewellery, or a stone, feather or shell, for example – to add to the circle centre.

    Friday 3pm

  • Yoga Nidra: The Way to Deep Personal Growth and Empowerment with Jill Healy-Quintard

    YogaNidra also known as the Waking Sleep can be practiced in Shavasana or Corpse Pose or sitting in a comfortable position.

    Complete relaxation occurs through focus on breath and the whole body from toes to crown of head and the inclusion of positive Intentions. This helps to realise a resolve or bring what is required to achieve a positive outcome in life by, Seeing it, Saying it, Feeling what it is like and Making it happen and know it can be released to the Universe.

    Added breathing techniques for complete wellness and mindbody balance. Plus visualisation of pure Gold Light tipping and surrounding the whole body with magical energy healing powers.

    Breath, Meditation, Relaxation to reduce any stress you're carrying and move gently into the rest of the day...

    Friday & Saturday 3pm

  • V-Steam for V-Power. Why V-steam and how to do it at home! with Katrina Anderson

    What is v-steaming? It is steaming your vagina :)

    Many people do it for all sorts of reasons! Learn the herstory of V-steaming including where it came from and why different cultures do it.

    Exploring also the current science and what imbalances women have found that it addresses for them.

    In this session there will be time to teach you how to set up an at home steam session.

    This information will be shared in a light hearted, informative way including questions from the audience (which usually makes for afun and funny talk with a healthy dose of tenderness).

    This area of our bodies holds a lot...of pleasure and hurt and everything in between. Self care for every woman.

    Friday and Saturday 3pm

  • Vulva Love with Rebecca Levy

    A delicious 90 mins of Vulva Love, an Erotic Embodiment class where you will be guided through somatic practices to connect with your vulva. In nurturing a loving connection with our vulva, it can increase self-love, build arousal and body acceptance whilst feeling wonderfully pleasurable. Being present with the body and its sensations can reduce shame and lead to greater levels self-acceptance. The more acceptance and love we have for ourselves, the more we have to share with the others.

    This workshop is gentle and deep, you will be guided through practices using awareness, breath, movement and touch to cultivate a loving connection to your vulva.

    Nudity is not required, please bring a sarong or shawl to lie on.

    Friday & Saturday 1.15pm

  • Permaculture Basics with Sam Hawker

    Permaculture basics : a brief dip into the permaculture ethics - Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share.
    This is not a lecture, it will be an interactive space for us to explore together.

    Friday & Sunday 1:15pm

  • Motherwort : A woman's ally with Tatiana Lustre Dawn

    Motherwort is a powerful ally for all stages of a woman's life.

    This workshop will take you deep into the spirit of the plant and learn the times where you might need her assistance. We will explore her with all of our senses and cultivate a deeper relationship with her.

    Learn also how to grow, harvest and prepare potent medicines with Motherwort, and learn how and when to dispense this powerful plant.

    Friday 1:15pm

  • Mindfulness in the Afternoon with Cindy Hurley-Leister

    Take a moment through the day with a mindful meditation - a guided practice to pay attention to the present moment with curiosity and openness. And the willingness to be with this experience.

    The simplicity of this practice is beautiful and makes it accessible to all: no matter what your experience level, your physical and mental needs.

    Friday 3pm



