Applications Closed
Applications Closed 〰️
Our scholarship program ensures women of all backgrounds and financial positions have an opportunity to attend WWG
Scholarships are prioritised for those with financial needs that fit these criteria:
Women of Culturally and Linguistic Diverse Groups
First Nations Women
Women with a DFV story
Women who have recently lost a child
Women with physical limitations who are unable to volunteer
Young Women under 18
Elder Women over 65
Applications are entirely confidential.
We believe in supporting women through empowerment. This is why we go to great lengths to gather important educators from around the country. The gathering is not just about women coming together to learn how they can enhance their lives through the wise women traditions, it's about re-building our communities. These communities are a foundation to the great change we all desire to see in the world. One of resiliency, abundance and health.
Some women will not have the means to attend the conference. We hope to help as many sisters as we can to join us. Please consider donating to the Wise Women Gathering Scholarship Fund. This fund is exclusively for marginalised women who desire an education in Wise Women Traditions.