Working With Children Policy
Policy last adjusted August 2024
WWG provides child care during Education Sessions.
All children attending WWG between the age of 3 and 15 must be registered for Kids Camp or Maiden’s Circle.
The ratio model for Kids Camp is :
Age 3-10 : 1 adult to 6 children
Age 11-14 : 1 adult to 12 girls
Girls age 15-17 may choose to attend Maidens Circle or attend Educator Sessions without supervision.
Working With Children at WWG
All staff and volunteers working in childcare roles have been vetted via Working With Children Numbers and where necessary, professional qualifications.
All supervisory staff have current first aid certification.
Toilets & Amenities
When a child in care needs to use the toilet, an adult will accompany a group to the wet area. There must be two or more children with an adult to toilet visits. Adults are never alone with a single child in toilet areas.
All swimming must occur under primary carer supervision.
Kids Camp may take children to the river only at low tide. Only paddling.
Incidents and injuries
All incidents must be reported to WWG management and the child’s primary carer as soon as possible.
If adult misconduct is suspected it is the responsibility of any volunteer or paid carer to report concerns to the WWG management team immediately.
The WWG Working With Children Policy is a framework for providing safe and nourishing space for families attending the Conference. This policy is subject to change without notice. Changes to the policy will be updated on this webpage.