Wellness Policy

Policy last adjusted August 2024 

Wise Gatherings is committed to keeping you safe and well throughout our time together.

With Covid obligations changing all the time, we promise to : 

  • request unwell attendees to stay home from the event

  • keep a manual record of all attendees and provide information to an authorised officer if requested

  • provide a clean venue and appropriate sanitisation products where necessary  

  • ask that anyone who has tested positive for Covid19 in the past 7 days stays home, and does not attend if they have symptoms

  • invite anyone who feels more comfortable in a mask to wear one, anywhere, anytime

We acknowledge the differing views and needs of individuals who attend our events. 

We ask that all attendees : 

  • respect the laws and legislations of NSW/Australia

  • respect Wise Gatherings' obligations under law

  • respect the differing views and values of other attendees 

  • let us know after the event if you test positive in the 2-3 days following (Monday-Wednesday)

Wise Gatherings, our staff and educators acknowledge we are in a time like no other. We will do as much as we can to support everyone through this event, and ask all attendees to do the same. 

This policy is subject to change without notice. Changes to the policy will be updated on this webpage.


Gender Policy