Wise Women Gathering | Educators
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Educators and Sessions

We showcase Australian Women working with Herbal Wisdom, Holistic Health, Women's Mysteries and Community. 

2024 Speakers

Here you will find our Educators from 2024.


Tatiana Brockmeier

Chinese Medicine has been a way of life for me for 24 years. It guides my internal & external expression. As a devoted practitioner, I take deep joy in my success record, particularly with clients who have struggled to find lasting relief from other treatments.

My focus is on holding space for my clients as they comprehend the underlying causes of their health issues and navigate the nature of their conditions for an authentic and enduring healing experience. Born under the Dark Moon, I am comfortable in those dark complex places.

I hold several qualifications, including being a registered practitioner in Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine with AHPRA and the Chinese Medicine Board. I've completed the Oriental Health Sciences program in Barefoot Acupuncture, where I apprenticed under an old-school Master – you know, the one that doesn’t graduate you until you’re wholly ready regardless of your academic records. Journeying the Four Seasons Journey at the School of Shamanic Womencraft in 2016-2017 has influenced my work immensely. Over the last 24 years, I've actively pursued continuous education, participating in numerous courses in Chinese Medicine, Holistic Health, and Healing. For me, ongoing learning is essential for delivering effective processes and results in clinic and life.

Self-care with Self-activation: Chinese Medicine for Women.

Chinese Medicine presents profound insights into the interconnected dimensions of spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Rooted in the belief that all disorders are spiritual disorders, the philosophy emphasizes the balance of Yin and Yang, representing the dualistic nature of existence. Yin embodies receptivity and stillness, while Yang conveys strength and action.

In order to comprehend potential imbalances that may obstruct your optimal well-being, you are invited to delve into the fundamental elements of Chinese Medicine: Jing, Yin, Yang, Blood and Qi.

Imbalances naturally extend beyond the physical realm, impacting mental and spiritual spheres, thus the importance of introspection. So we’ll reflect on barriers and inherited beliefs through questions on experiences, impediments, and role models in self-care and self-activation. This process aims to reveal conditioned beliefs, promoting enhanced self-awareness and empowerment through releasing them.

Through embracing the wisdom of Yin and Yang and essential life elements, you’ll embark on a transformative journey toward equilibrium and (re)membering your amazing self.

Friday 10:15am & Sunday 1:15pm

Pat Collins

I was brought up on dairy farms in the Hunter Valley and there I developed my love of nature and the bush. When I married we bought an idyllic block of land on the edge of Wollemi National Park and there I grow my herbs for my Practice and collect wild plants growing on the property. After having two children I obtained my Herbal Diploma in the late 1980's and this allowed me to teach Herbal medicine for the layman, teaching them how to make products to care for their families and loved ones. I worked for TAFE, Outreach and I still teach privately. I also set up a business in a nearby town and called it THE Total Health and Education Centre. 24 years later it is a thriving business and I sell products that I make myself along with the books I wrote and other herbs and supplements for my clients.
I have attended numerous workshops and one of my favourites I attended 20 years ago was a workshop run by Gregg Furth who wrote a book called "The Secret World of Drawings". I have been following his guidelines ever since and use it especially for children that cannot express their feelings and people with emotional problems. It is an extremely useful tool to help you understand your client and more importantly for them to understand themselves.

Making your own Elixir

We have lost so many arts over the years and one is the art of making an elixir. Often thought of as a magical or medicinal potion or it maybe something specific such as a cough elixir. It has even been termed a substance held to be capable of prolonging life indefinitely and a cure-all.

In medical terms they are made up of alcohol and water with an active drug and sweetening, colouring and flavouring. We will base ours on vinegar, honey and glycerine and use lots of herbs and spices. I love using my weeds so you will learn many uses of the local weeds as well.

Pat loves being a Herbalist and teaching the forgotten arts. In this Session, we'll go for a walk to discover any useful weeds and if possible use them in our elixir. Pat will also bring many herbs and spices and explain their uses. Everyone will get a bottle of the elixir we make to bring home and enjoy.

Friday 10:15am & Saturday 1.15pm

Sally Kingsford-Smith

As a woman who's entered her crone years now, sharing with others, the knowledge I’ve gained in life is incredibly important to me. And it’s with gratitude to WWG that I stepped out of my comfort zone to do this some 6 years ago when WWG first started and I was invited to speak.

I’ve grown immensely with WWG, I’ve stepped into this elder, teaching role and WWG has grown and evolved too. I love being here each year, sharing my love for and knowledge of herbs and tissue salts. My main teacher was Dorothy Hall, Australia’s matriarch of herbal medicine, and I am forever grateful to her for her wisdom.

As well as running my own herbal and Reiki practice from my home in suburban Sydney, where I work mostly with women, I teach an online herbal masterclass and introductory tissue salt classes.
And when I’m not there you’ll find me volunteering my time with Estuary Learning; trying to get into my garden to sit and talk with my holy basil, mugwort and other plant friends; being with our beloved rescue doggo and otherwise enjoying my blessed life.

Helpful Herbs for a Healthy Gut and Happy Mind.

Over 2,000 years ago, Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, wrote “All disease starts in the gut”. This is all well and good but it’s a bit dry! As herbalists, our minds like to embellish and paint a more detailed picture. We joke that his mum, Praxitela, worried about her son’s stinky farts and blue moods told him many times, something along the lines of “If you don’t poo well son, how can you expect to excel in your studies?” and thus his famous line was born.

We now know how important it is to have a healthy gut for a happy mind. Join us for an adventure into the world of easily accessible herbal medicines used to support and nurture your digestive and nervous system.

Dandelion, the ‘weed’ that lovers of neat lawns, despair of, is one such herb we’ll look at.

Friday & Sunday 10:15am

Sam Hawker

Sam is the passionate human driving Garden Kitchen Witch*n. In her life and work, she weaves in many modalities and practices - permaculture, women's work, deep ecology, grief work, embodiment, indigenous wisdom, activism, art of hosting, radical homemaking, the work that reconnects, emergent strategy, holistic management, cyclical living and even more ...

The integrity to her ethics is always evident, in cooking, teaching, holding space, and living life. Sam draws upon nearly a decade spent deeply embedded in one place and now is on new adventures, spreading roots throughout the region, bringing her passion for change to many communties.

Food Talks

A discussion on Food and our relationship with growing, with reflections from over a decade of embodied permaculture experience, garden cooking, homesteading and more. The garden taught Sam how to cook, using whatever is in seasonal abundance and getting creative with how to use it.

This collaborative talk could go many places - preserving, recipe creativity, ethics, fermentation, frugality, time saving, nutrient density, farming practices, choices, eating meat/or not, listening to your body ... Join us for a deep dive on food and the ways we relate to our nutrition.

For me, permaculture is not about gardening (though it can be), it's a way to be in the world - centred around Earth Care, People Care and Fair Share - the three ethics of permaculture. Come explore the ethics and how we can use them to help create nourishing lives and communities together"

Saturday 10.15am

Tatiana Lustre Dawn

Tatiana Lustre Dawn is a Mother, Herbalist, Herbal Educator, Permaculturalist, Geneologist, Lomi Lomi, Reiki and Attunement Therapy Practitioner, Sahumadora, Sacred Song Carrier and Oneironaut.

She has been entranced by and working closely with plant medicine for 20 years now and honours the plants as teachers with deep reverence and respect. She runs a subtropical permaculture farm in Far North QLD, Australia where she is blessed to grow a diverse array of medicinal plants.

Twiggy is passionate about growing, harvesting and making medicines and also has a keen interest in wild/naturalised medicines. She is a herbal educator and runs regular workshops teaching plant connection, medicine making, growing and harvesting/foraging, self-care with herbs and women's herbs.

Ceremonial work is an important aspect of her life and she works closely with traditional medicine keepers of different lineages. She has a strong calling to learn, carry and teach sacred devotional medicine songs from different cultures. She has have been initiated as a sahumadora and work with fire, smoke and ash for healing, purification and protection.

Twiggy is also currently writing a book about how to grow, harvest/wild harvest and manufacture plant medicine to extract and retain the potency of the herbal constituents.

Motherwort : A woman's ally

Motherwort is a powerful ally for all stages of a woman's life.

This workshop will take you deep into the spirit of the plant and learn the times where you might need her assistance. We will explore her with all of our senses and cultivate a deeper relationship with her.

Learn also how to grow, harvest and prepare potent medicines with Motherwort, and learn how and when to dispense this powerful plant.

Friday 1:15pm

Stephanie Hazel

Stephanie Hazel is a herbalist & teacher passionate about the deep connection between plants and people - a connection that spans sustenance, breath, medicine, spirit and myth. As well as treating from her clinic in Uki, north New South Wales, Stephanie has been teaching online since 2018, and is the presenter of the Sacred Herbalism segment of the Elder Tree Podcast. Stephanie has a background in public health, systems thinking and anthropology.

Responsive Medicine: How plants have different effects on different people

We often talk about herbs as though their their healing effects on conditions were reliable and predictable, however many great herbalists like Dorothy Hall & Matthew Wood have argued that herbal medicine works best when we match it carefully to not only the illness but the person in front of us.

Over the last 2 years Stephanie has been running plant connection courses that involve the students (mainly herbalists or student herbalists) taking a herb for a week without knowing what it is, and reporting back. These small-scale, blind, interactive clinical trials have revealed fascinating differences in the effects of herbs as medicine, as well as differences in effect at different dosages.

This talk will share real experiences of more than 45 people over 8 plants - from Rhodiola to Mugwort. I’ll explore what this variability reveals about the plant-human relationship, and how we can really incorporate this wisdom into our practice as herbalists.

Saturday 1.15pm

Etty Ayalon with Mignon Mukti

Mignon Mukti is a transformational musician, sound healer, event producer and sacred activist. Her intercultural music and activism grew from her early life as an actor, musician and young lesbian feminist growing up in apartheid South Africa. Mukti’s community workshops and Divine Songs sacred song circles embody homecoming, unity, wisdom and kindness in a sometimes unkind and divided world. Mukt’s meditations take us deep into our own elements of water, earth, fire and air. Her music and sound healing can create a flowing backdrop to yoga or movement practices or stand alone journeys with sound, meditation and mantra. Magic is created with Crystal Alchemy Bowls, Aqua Gong, Lumnezia Monochord, ethereal voice, Rav Vast tongue pan and mantra. She has a 30 year herstory of producing diverse retreats, workshops, festivals around the world. Mukti leads group song circles and healings as well as private Biodynamic Craniosacral, Crystal Alchemy Bowl Therapy and sound healing sessions, meditation and Samvahan sessions.

Etty is an Israeli born Australia based Lightworker who is passionate about Shamanism and Kabbalah.
Etty is proficient in energy healing and Shamanic Path & Practice with a wide range of tools available and works intuitively as guided by Spirit. Ettinka shares her unique teaching in workshops, offers rite of passage ceremonies, is an artist and short story author.
Etty, began her awakening in the year 2000 and is focused on anchoring light into the planet to support its journey into the New Earth. As such she is happy to share the knowledge and wisdom she has accumulated over the past two decades.
Her approach to energy work is to empower you with tools to heal yourself and learn how to raise and maintain your energetic vibration. She is not the healer rather a facilitator that creates the space for you to connect with your innate wisdom and healing guides in support of your transformation.
Etty’s tool kit includes Reiki (Master), colour therapy, aromatherapy massage, vibrational essences, Theta healing, The Malchitzedeck Method, Shamanic Path & Practice, Hebrew Letters of Light, Tree of Life Healing, crystal bowl sound healings, drum journeys and more...

Elemental Embodiment

Finding inner and outer balance through voice, sound and breath.

Awaken your inherent relationship with the elements of Air, Water, Fire and Earth.

We will journey within the layers of our spiritual, mental, emotional and physical bodies to connect with the elements. We will honour each element as the building blocks of creation and how they walk with us as we walk a spiritual or shamanic way.

Through meditation, somatic singing, toning and sound from many traditions we open our hearts to balancing the elements within us and without us.

We will discover the magical power of invoking each element for our own healing and balance through embodiment with breath.

We will learn how the elements represent free will, the exchange between giving and receiving and how to understand the balance of reciprocity.

We will integrate our healing and elemental balance with a gentle sound journey with gong, voice, crystal bowls percussion and medicine drum and open ourselves to a place of stillness and rest.

Friday 10:15am & Sunday 1:15pm

Dr Kath Kovac

I'm Kath Kovac, Director of Kupala.
I love sharing knowledge and teaching through handson, experiential workshops. This includes drumming and wellbeing workshops for corporate, school and community groups. Tai chi, qigong, meditation and mindfulness form the basis of my wellbeing programs. I also help women connect, communicate and grow together in the workplace and community through women's circles and gatherings.

The Art of Circle

What is a women's circle? How do they run, and what are they for?

If you have never attended a women's circle before, then this is the ideal workshop to start off your gathering weekend.

Find out about the history (or herstory) of women gathering in circle and why we were prevented from doing so hundreds of years ago.

Discover the way a circle is set up, opened, run and closed by participating fully in your first circle. Learn the guidelines of circle, such as confidentiality, how to listen without agenda, support without sympathising, and take responsibility for your own sharing.

You’ll enjoy a relaxing grounding meditation and experience ways to deeply connect to the other women sitting in circle with you, as well as take part in a ritual activity that ties in with the phase of the Moon.

Bring a small personal object that has meaning for you – this could be jewellery, or a stone, feather or shell, for example – to add to the circle centre.

Friday 3pm

Brenda Rogers

Throughout her career, Brenda has been committed to developing and empowering women to achieve their full potential. She firmly believes that investing in women is the key to societal change. As a result, Brenda has successfully implemented innovative education programs and strategies for both individual and groups to promote their journey to self-discovery and enhance their wellbeing and resilience.

One area that sets Brenda apart is her commitment to health and wellbeing. She understands the importance of creating a healthy life balance and prioritising self-care. Brenda passionately believes that when women are physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually well, they can perform at their best. She has implemented wellness programs for individuals and organisations that encourage female empowerment and becoming a catalyst for personal and collective freedom.

Unleashing the Fierce Feminine: Becoming a Woman of Danger, Embracing Your Inner Sacred Activist, and Defying the Patriarchy

You're invited to embark on a transformative journey towards becoming a Woman of Danger and uncovering your inner sacred activist.

Embracing one's inherent power and strength is a revolutionary act, challenging the norms perpetuated by the patriarchal structures that often seek to suppress and control.

Exploring the importance of cultivating a mindset that transcends societal expectations, urging women to be the ones the patriarchy fears—a force of change, resilience, and unapologetic self-expression

The inner sacred activist is the urge to channel your strength towards positive change. Recognise your voice and actions have the potential to challenge oppressive systems and contribute to the creation of a more equitable society.

By intertwining personal growth with social responsibility, you'll be inspired to align your values with activism, becoming catalysts for meaningful transformation.

By finding the intersection between personal empowerment and collective impact, you'll leave equipped with the tools to not only navigate your own paths as Women of Danger but also to inspire others to join the journey toward dismantling patriarchal structures and fostering a world where everyone can thrive.

Friday 1.15pm & Saturday 10.15am

Sharon Law

Sharon, an accountant and entrepreneur, transitioned from the confines of corporate life to the liberating realm of running her own business. Her professional metamorphosis reflects a profound journey of empowerment and independence. Through her own experience, Sharon has become not only a successful business owner but also a dedicated guide, sharing her insights to inspire and empower others to take control of their entrepreneurial destinies. With a passion for fostering financial autonomy, Sharon's story is one of liberation, resilience, and a commitment to helping individuals break free from corporate constraints and embrace the fulfilling path of entrepreneurship.

Turning Passion into Sustainable Prosperity

Turning your passion into a sustainable business venture and unveiling the secrets to long-term success. Delve into the profound decision of distinguishing between a soulful hobby and a viable business for enduring impact.

Exploration of sustainable passion, discovering how to harmonise with the cosmic rhythms of market demands. Understand your business's energetic resonance with like products and services, providing practical strategies to identify competitors and carve your niche in the universal tapestry.

Uncover the mystic wisdom of budgeting as Sharon breaks down the essential components, offering insights that bridge the ethereal and the practical for financial projections. Dive deep into the cosmic waters of record-keeping, understanding the karmic compliance obligations specific to Australia, ensuring your business stands on a foundation as solid as the earth itself.

Your journey towards enlightened entrepreneurship awaits.

Saturday 3pm

Katrina Anderson

When I'm not in my studio creating ceramics, I'm a Peristeam Facilitator, Transpersonal Art Therapist, artist and teacher. My passion is empowering women and people to help themselves. I do this mostly through sharing what has worked for me as I continue to learn and grow in this amazing earthly realm!

I experienced 20 years of period pains which weirdly enough, I'm grateful for. Through exploring how to heal them, I learnt so much about different therapies and techniques as well as deep diving into my own psyche and that of the experience of being a woman. Eventually I found art making, art therapy and pelvic steaming. These three areas are my purpose for now!

At the moment, I practice Art Therapy as well as share with women and people how to Vaginal Steam in a safe and effective way, all in the privacy of their homes. People who have benefitted from steaming are those who experience long term period pain or other menstrual cycle and reproductive area imbalances (e.g. BV, pelvic pain, vaginal dryness, haemorrhoids etc.). I also create personalised steam plans and make organic herbal blends and pelvic saunas for v-steaming.

V-Steam for V-Power. Why V-steam and how to do it at home!

What is v-steaming? It is steaming your vagina :)

Many people do it for all sorts of reasons! Learn the herstory of V-steaming including where it came from and why different cultures do it.

Exploring also the current science and what imbalances women have found that it addresses for them.

In this session there will be time to teach you how to set up an at home steam session.

This information will be shared in a light hearted, informative way including questions from the audience (which usually makes for afun and funny talk with a healthy dose of tenderness).

This area of our bodies holds a lot...of pleasure and hurt and everything in between. Self care for every woman.

Friday and Saturday 3pm

Hollie Wildëthorn

Hollie Wildëthorn is an off-grid living, luna-loving, outdoor obsessed, constantly in motion witch and priestess of the sacred wild, with a passion for unbound and unlimited life.

A psychotherapist and coach with a busy practice at the base of he Budawang Range (Walbunja Yuin Country) and a respectful disregard for the status quo, Hollie works with a herd of horses and an unruly hound, to provide therapy in 1:1 and group sessions.

With more than three decades experience in the Wellness education space, and 22 years in Women's Mysteries facilitation she is staunch in relation to trauma-informed spaces and has an interest in educating others in the health and wellness/mysteries fields in delivering programs with integrity and awareness. She is the Weaver of WWG, and holds smaller intimate Retreats and regular Moon Circles on her property in SE NSW multiple times throughout the year. In 2023 she trained in Psychedelic Assisted Therapies and is involved with AMAPP.

With her day job comprising mostly of therapy, Hollie mixes it up offering Professional Supervision to women in the health and women's mysteries field, as well as running a small Martial Arts & Natural Movement Academy, and keeping up an active farm including an extensive medicinal garden.

Women Who Dream Wildly

Weaving Dreams into Reality, Empower the Witch Within.

Exploring your Big Wild Dreams and the Vision you bring forth into the world. Delving into spellcraft for actualisation; how witches make dreams into reality and how your body is an explicit part of the magick you were put on this planet to create.

We will be making magick, making connections, making herstory, making dreams real...

Including, embodied movement, playing with magickal botanicals and getting real about what you're doing in this life, at this time, in the place and space you are living.

Sunday 10.15am

Erin Sauerwein

Erin Sauerwein has been creating sacred energy medicine in the form of gemstone jewellery for the past 8 years. Living in a van, travelling the east coast of Australia, she creates within the landscapes that inspire her. Her jewellery tells stories of the spiritual, physical and emotional journeys she experiences along her path in the hope that they will inspire, encourage and spark others along theirs.

What Erin is most passionate about is creating wearable pieces that are not only beautiful to look at, but that hold powerful energies that help us to remember and activate our highest potential. Through her creative expression she aims to empower others to come closer and closer to the most authentic and joyful expressions of themselves. Everybody has a light to share to help themselves, others and the earth to heal and reach their fullest potential and macrame jewellery is one way that Erin loves to offer hers.

Weave Your Own Talisman

Using basic macrame wrapping techniques, creatresses will learn to weave a gemstone necklace from scratch, not just with our hands but also with heart and soul. By setting an intention and holding it in our hearts as we perform meditative, repetitive, heartfelt action our manifestations are woven into being as our personal handmade talisman comes to life. Through this practice, we create not only beautiful jewellery, but sacred energy medicine; a beacon for that which we are calling forth.

In this workshop you will receive all required materials and learn the basic knots to set you up to complete your gemstone talisman. You may need more than the 90min time slot to finish, but you will receive an instruction leaflet to carry on at your own pace in your own space.

Those wishing to attend are encouraged to spend a moment before the workshop to feel into what it is that you are desiring to call in. Arriving with your intention ready will help us all to drop in to our creative zone and start weaving with hands, heart and soul.

Learning a new skill with our hands can take a bit of practice. Spaces are limited to 12 to allow enough space for some extra guidance.

Friday 10.15am & Sunday 1:15pm

Kerstin Buccoliero

Kerstin, is a physiotherapist from Germany, her birth country, since 1986.

She embarked on a transformative journey exploring the interplay of body, mind, and soul. Her extensive studies include dance therapy, shamanism, meditation, and mindfulness culminating in her opening and operating a health and wellness studio on the outskirts of Berlin.

She's a specialist in Biodynamic Craniosacral Balancing, neurological treatments, and light touch therapies like Orthobionomy. Raising her son with autism disorder and ADHD deepened her understanding of neurological diversity, including the realisation of being neurological diverse herself. Kerstin's background and personal experiences, combined with her holistic approach, make her an invaluable resource for those seeking healing and support.

Feminine Expression

Connecting to our feminine expression through the exploration of the pelvic floor. Widespread pelvic floor dysfunctions often limit our movement capabilities and posture shifts.

With focused and mindful breathing, we will commence with an awareness exercise encouraging connection with your pelvic girdle. Gentle and comfortable movements help to explore pelvic range of motion. Learning new movements enhances awareness of physical sensations within the pelvic area.

Using our voice, we will use sound to better tune and activate our bodies.
With focus on the personal, wordless songs and sounds of life we will work with the expression of self authentically through our own, unique vocalisations.

To the rhythmic beat of a shamanic drum, everyone is given an opportunity to express themselves through both movement and sound. Within a supportive small group of sisters who bear witness to each expression.

This holistic approach encourages women to explore their bodies, voices, and emotions in a safe and supportive environment, ultimately enabling them to express their unique femininity.

Friday & Saturday 3pm

Manal Saroufim

The world needs more rebels and revolutionaries. As a certified coach for rebellious, heart-centered female leaders, Manal supports you to navigate the challenges and triumphs of leadership, ensuring that you not only make a difference in the world but also prioritise your own well-being and attain success on your own terms.

Manal has successfully embraced her feminine leadership in an angular and often hard-edged world. As a former lawyer, she has spent time in Government working on high-profile challenges to make an impact that truly serves the Australian people. After establishing an in-house consulting function on the leading edge of innovating for Government, she is now a consultant on cyber security matters. She is sought after for advice on quickly creating high-performing teams and empowering cultures.

She mix the practical world of business expertise with the deeper wisdom of energetic practices, intellectual curiosity and embodiment rituals. Her no-nonsense, concrete approach is delivered with gentleness and compassion to help you find your leadership code and create lasting change in the world (while maintaining your sanity).

Sacred Leadership: the shadow side

The World Needs More Rebels and Revolutionaries.

Do you have a burning desire within you to make a real difference in the world? To become the rebel or revolutionary that the world desperately needs? But perhaps you've also doubted yourself, questioning if you truly deserve to take on such a powerful role - who are you to create change?
Whether it's environmental sustainability, social justice, or personal empowerment, your unique perspective and passion can make a profound impact. Your power to shape the future and leave a lasting impact starts with embracing your sacred leadership.

Sacred leadership is more than just living in light. It's about delving into the depths, facing your shadows, and owning all parts of you. We all have flaws and doubts but it's through embracing these aspects that we can truly grow and create real change.

In this session, we will explore what sacred leadership means to you, what you want to use that leadership for, and what might be hindering your progress. Together, we'll imagine a world where you step up and embrace your sacred leadership. We'll face your biggest fear. You'll leave with a plan to integrate the wisdom you discover during this journey into your everyday life.

Saturday 3pm

Beth Attard

Beth is a degree qualified naturopathic herbalist and creator of Ecotone Health, residing and practicing in Newcastle/Mooloobinba.
With a decade of experience in foraging, wildcrafting plants and permaculture she is constantly amazed and in awe at the interconnection of life. A deep understanding of how our Earth and our body are mirrors of each other in infinite ways provides a foundation for her clinical practice. Beth believe true health extends beyond individual health into our communities and inclusive of our environments.

Beth recognises the true brilliance of the human body and views imbalance or illness within the body as an intelligent response of the human body adapting to inferior inputs. She focuses on restoring vitality through providing healthy inputs that allow the body to intelligently restore itself and allow each person to thrive.


Helpful Herbs for a Healthy Gut and Happy Mind.

Over 2,000 years ago, Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, wrote “All disease starts in the gut”. This is all well and good but it’s a bit dry! As herbalists, our minds like to embellish and paint a more detailed picture. We joke that his mum, Praxitela, worried about her son’s stinky farts and blue moods told him many times, something along the lines of “If you don’t poo well son, how can you expect to excel in your studies?” and thus his famous line was born.

We now know how important it is to have a healthy gut for a happy mind. Join us for an adventure into the world of easily accessible herbal medicines used to support and nurture your digestive and nervous system.

Dandelion, the ‘weed’ that lovers of neat lawns, despair of, is one such herb we’ll look at.

Friday & Sunday 10:15am

Yia Alias

Yia Alias is a Ceremonialist specialising in healing through Ceremony. She is currently living and working upon Darug/Darkinjung country in the Blue Gum forests of the Colo. Yia has been holding sacred space, counselling and honouring rites of passage for women for almost 30 years. She has developed a variety of modalities during that time including GirlStory, Journey with the Seven Greek Goddesses and New Way Walking. She has assisted people with ceremonial choreography ranging from weddings, loss, healing of birth stories and the many situations where the navigation of transitions is needed on the personal or collective level.
Her present passion is to support women through the eldering transition with a process she has developed called Bone Woman~Conscious Eldering.
As Yia herself transitions deeper into her own Eldering years, she is focusing her energy on the development of the Bone Woman process to be shared with all women and to continue with her podcast Close to the Bones: Womens Stories of Transformation.
Her Vision is the activation of a New Global Community, where all Life is held Sacred and Reverence is Recognised and Restored.

Beyond the Bones: the conversation re Conscious Eldering continues on...

After the conversations we have shared around Conscious Eldership (at previous WWGs) and the stripping back to the Wisdom of the Bones that the midlife transition awakens, you're invited to explore what lies beyond.

In a culture that has minimised the voices of eldering women, in a world that keeps elders in the shadows-
How does that terrain look in these present times?
How do we do Life as Eldering women?
How do we claim the space and have we integrated the lessons from life?
Have we cleared up? What needs letting go, so others dont have the burden of it doing it all for us?
How do we approach the the final threshold?
What would we like our eulogy to say about us?

These are some of the questions that we can explore together in circle.
Including the Beyond the Bones meditation journey, a gentle process of removing the layers of the body to connect with the Earth and to bring back a symbol to inspire the Journey into Eldership.

Saturday 1.15pm & Sunday 1:15pm

Katherine Cailleach Howard

Katherine Cailleach is a Maga woman (somewhere between Mother and Crone!), mother to 3 daughters, grandmother to 6 small people, and partner to her beloved.
She has lived in the bush of the Blue Mountains of NSW since 2009, and recently also resides at Lane Cove in Sydney part of the time. She has many passions, and is most passionate about the women's mysteries, relationships, shadow cycles, mental health, the power of the grandmothers and the sacred energy of the land. Cailleach has journeyed often with her partner and on solitary wanderings to sacred places. Ireland and Glastonbury are her spiritual homes.
She is an accredited mental health Occupational Therapist with 40 years of individual & relationship counselling and groupwork experience. She is also an accredited Psychodramatist and a Teacher with the School of Shamanic Womancraft. Cailleach has a busy counselling practice in Katoomba and Lane Cove and runs Women’s Circles, Personal Development groups in both those places, as well as on line.

Healing your Inner Maiden : A Shadow Cycles Pathway

In Cyclical Wisdom, the Maiden is in the East of a Woman’s Wheel of Life- roughly from birth to age 25 years and seasonally Springtime, the waxing moon. This is the time when many aspects of identity are formed- consciously and unsconsciously.
In this workshop, we will focus on the shadow wounds to a woman’s identity that occur when their Wheel is passing through Springtime. We will explore in depth one pathway to healing: working relationally with the Original Social and Cultural Atom.
The Original Social and Cultural Atom is a construct that originates from psychodrama and equates to the earliest memory of your family system and close community.
The workshop might include journaling, artwork, demonstrations and enactments. You will be shown a tool which you might use to explore your own shadow, or to help others to do so, however, the purpose of the session is education, not therapy. Sharing time with other participants will be a part of the session and you are encouraged to only go as deeply into the process as feels appropriate and safe for you.

Friday 1:15pm & Saturday 10.15pm

Rebecca Levy

Rebecca is a Somatic Sexologist, Sexological Bodyworker, educator and counsellor. She is dedicated to sharing knowledge and empowering women about their body’s, ways to experience more pleasure and enjoy a natural, healthy and satisfying sex life free from shame, disconnection and pain.

Based in Newcastle, she works with individuals, couples and delivers workshops to women and those who love them. Her approach uses counselling, coaching and bodywork to support clients overcome sexual difficulties and cultivate pleasure. As a former birth doula she understands how birth and motherhood can impact on a woman’s body and sex life.

Rebecca knows sexual pleasure and freedom are our birth rite and loves creating spaces for healing to occur from the disconnection society has created.

Vulva Love

A delicious 90 mins of Vulva Love, an Erotic Embodiment class where you will be guided through somatic practices to connect with your vulva. In nurturing a loving connection with our vulva, it can increase self-love, build arousal and body acceptance whilst feeling wonderfully pleasurable. Being present with the body and its sensations can reduce shame and lead to greater levels self-acceptance. The more acceptance and love we have for ourselves, the more we have to share with the others.

This workshop is gentle and deep, you will be guided through practices using awareness, breath, movement and touch to cultivate a loving connection to your vulva.

Nudity is not required, please bring a sarong or shawl to lie on.

Friday & Saturday 1.15pm

Rebecca Holly van Horssen

Rebecca is a witch of many hats, as a Naturopath and Folk Herbalist, Astrologer, Kinesiologist, and Tarot reader and teacher. Since finding her Oma's Tarot deck as a young teen she has been dedicated to studying many practices and philosophies within the Healing, Sacred and Esoteric Arts, and has journeyed under the mentorship of the likes of The School of Shamanic Womancraft, Astrologer Austin Coppock, and Polymath and Medicine Man Jimi Wollumbin.

Rebecca's way is compassionate, honest and insightful, and she approaches esoteric traditions with a rewilded frame of mind. Her offerings are truly holistic, weaving in the oft-neglected matters of heart, soul and psyche with the body and mind. She is known for her grounded capacity in holding and facilitating sacred spaces, enthusiastic teachings in her tarot and astrology circles, and treading gently to the heart of matters within 1:1 consultations with her clients. With her sweet 3yo daughter in tow, she can often be found tending her medicinal garden, flicking through celestial star maps, going on foraging adventures, or tending herself and her family from her witches kitchen on Bunurong country.

Coming to the Tarot Triggered : A Nine of Swords Prayer

The Tarot is always an ally, though it is not always the gentle touch we hope for when we are hurting. However we can approach the Tarot in a way that is gentle and supportive for a triggered, sensitive heart and body that is less likely to add to the charge we already carry in our overwhelmed state. And we don’t need to learn the ‘silver lining’ of each card, or the positive spin on the more difficult cards to do it. The Tarot can help us diffuse ourselves if we know how to arrive at it’s doorstep in the face of difficult times.

This workshop will guide you to the tarot in a way that is trauma sensitive, honest and compassionate, and will set you up with processes to approach your own deck in times of trouble. We will call on the allyship of the Nine of Swords and explore its gifts, and look at how the archetypal Court Cards can support us in growing through hardship or trauma. We will also share a collective tarot reading as an offering of medicine, and an example of journeying with the tarot in a rewilded, clear, and trauma sensitive way.

Friday 3pm

Laura Doe

Laura-Doe is an award-winning somatic sex educator, comedienne and singer/songwriter. Using humour, song and science she helps people to reconnect with the wisdom and pleasure within their own bodies and to discover their unique erotic nature. In 2008 she founded The yOniversity and has presented the workshops in her yOniversity curriculum in Australia, Bali, USA and the UK. 
In order to educate about sexual anatomy in people with vulvas, effectively and without embarrassment, she created The Vulvalicious Cushions, beautiful anatomically accurate fabric sculptures. These cushions are used in yOniversity workshops, in various sexology practitioner trainings and by educators and ‘vulvalationaries’ all over the world. Her other projects include yOnilates®, a fun program of pelvic floor practices performed to specially composed, squeeze-along music, and a comic cabaret, ’Vaudeville of the Vulva’, which educates while it entertains. Laura-Doe is currently the vice-president of the professional association, SSEAA.

Older, Wiser, Sexier

Let's explore and embody some of the awesome things that living longer brings to our experience of sex!

As the urgency of hormone driven desire abates, we could see it as a loss or an opportunity. It could give us space to explore more subtlety in our sensations and in our ways of connecting pleasurably with ourself and others. Heart-led eroticism may look very different to that which is genitally focused. Letting go of goals and enjoying the journey can bring us to a whole other way of relating intimately.

In some traditions sexuality is considered a catalytic energy, the centre of the circle, the engine that fuels all other aspects of our life. Age does not have to be a barrier to sourcing this force. Can you imagine yourself as a sexual sorcerer? What might it look like to leave sexual legacy?

As we expand our experience and understanding of sex we have the possibility to increase our connection with the sexiness in everything.
Discover a fresh perspective on sexuality in our later years and join me in rewriting the story about sex and ageing.

Saturday & Sunday 10:15am

Anneriek Favelle

Anneriek embraces the belief that the world can become a better place when we wholeheartedly accept ourselves for who we are and genuinely show up for one another.

As a dedicated yoga and somatic movement teacher, she likes to guide students on a transformative journey toward self-discovery, self-acceptance, and mindful embodiment. Her teaching style is rooted in the belief that the body, mind, and spirit are interconnected. With a gentle yet empowering approach, she encourages you to explore your unique expressions, honouring your bodies' wisdom, and cultivating a sense of authenticity and acceptance. Through her teachings, she allows you to delve deep into your physical and emotional sensations, unearthing layers of self-awareness and self-love.

Somatic Dance : The Blossoming Woman

In this session you will explore your Kinesphere. Your Kinesphere is the space around you that you take up with movement. It can be defined as you ‘personal energy field’ and is not only physical but also energetic and it can be used to create a deeper connection between you and your movements.

As you explore your Kinesphere you will move your body, gently and freely, to its fullest extension, sideways in the horizontal plane, upwards and downwards in your vertical plane and in front and behind you in your sagittal plane.

You will explore taking up space and to feel the fullness of your energy field. You will eventually move around the room and feel that your Kinesphere travels with you, and how it interacts with energy fields surrounding you.

Finally as you travel inwards you will explore your inner experience of this energy.

Saturday 1:15pm

Dr Kath Kovac

Kath lives in the small country town of Dalton, New South Wales. She has been interested in Taoist practices, such as tai chi, qigong and meditation, for almost 20 years. After attending a retreat back in 2011 on her 40th birthday, Kath experienced a life-changing meditation session that has seen her devote much of her spare time since to learning and practising many different forms of qigong and meditation under the guidance of expert teachers at Canberra's Tai Chi Academy. With the blessing of her teacher, Kath began teaching her own qigong classes in 2017 to share the wonderful, healthgiving experience of this practice with her local community. She also teaches meditation and mindfulness classes, and runs rural women’s circles.

Qigong: Meditation in Motion

Qigong (pronounced chee-goong) is a gentle, mindful form of exercise that reduces anxiety and stress, and improves overall health and wellbeing.

It's suitable for all ages and levels of agility, and is a bit like tai chi, but is done standing on the spot, rather than stepping around the room. The word qigong means 'energy cultivation'.

The slow, gentle movements relax the body, calm the mind, and gather and build energy inside the body. It is excellent for calming and balancing the nervous system, and improving circulation and flexibility.

Based on ancient Chinese practises developed thousands of years ago, the many different qigong movements enable you to connect with the energy from the universe and stimulate the body’s immune system to naturally induce healing.

Saturday 3pm

Lara Ryan for Herbal Extract Co.

Lara has been deep in the magic and aroma of herbal medicine since starting a clinic apprenticeship in 1992, which is when she first met the herbal medicines of the Herbal Extract Company and has thought of them as friends and allies ever since. In 1997 Lara completed her Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy followed by a Bachelor of Health Science in Complementary Medicine. She went on to graduate with a Masters in International Public Health. In private practice Lara works as a herbalist and naturopath providing support to patients recovering from complex, chronic illnesses and adrenal depletion. Lara feels deeply about our need to embody self-compassion in healing. Lara teaches herbal therapeutics and clinic studies to final year students at Nature Care College and is a sessional lecturer at the Nan Tien Institute. She writes regularly about her experiences with motherhood, chronic illness, grief, loss, hope and other matters of the heart that involve building resilience to find our way back to joy.

Back To Our Roots – Medicinal Herbs for Women’s Resilience

A presentation on plant medicines and how they have been traditionally made and used for centuries. With a focus on root herbs, this talk will include how herbal extracts are made and how they can be used by women for various life stages. The presentation will conclude with a practical example of how to use herbal extracts topically.

Saturday 10.15am

Cindy Hurley Leister

Cindy is an International Executive Coach (PCC) and Mindfulness Facilitator (UCLA) based in the Blue Mountains on Darug and Gundungarra country. She has been meditating for over two decades, completed a yoga teacher training with Paul Dallaghan and a mindfulness facilitation program with Diana Winston, UCLA's Mindful Awareness Research Center. Her personal practice has helped her when she needed it most: transitioning out of a long-term relationship and grounding her in parenting her three wonderful children.
Her curiosity is sparked around self-compassion and inner dialogue in coaching. Her purpose is to support people around the world to connect with the planet, others and most importantly themselves.
Her boutique coaching practice, Blue Mountains Coaching, is on a journey to become a BCorporation.

Mindfulness in the Afternoon

Take a moment through the day with a mindful meditation - a guided practice to pay attention to the present moment with curiosity and openness. And the willingness to be with this experience.

The simplicity of this practice is beautiful and makes it accessible to all: no matter what your experience level, your physical and mental needs.

Friday 3pm

Stephanie Nguyen

Hi, I’m Stephanie and I am a naturopath, meridian based yoga therapist and avid student of Jyotish. Growing up with chronic illness, I quickly learnt how much our external world comes to reflect our inner world. That health is not only influenced by external factors such as our diet, environment and lifestyle but also our internal, subtle world of thoughts, emotions, beliefs and energetic patterns. As above, so below, as within, so without.

Whilst I always had an innate calling for this path, my grandparents (who are still the most healthy and vibrant people I know) were a massive influence in my life. Growing up they would share with me their daily practice of energy based movement, as well as their knowledge of palmistry, face reading, herbal medicine and macrobiotics. All that I share and practise is with reverence to the wisdom of my ancestors and teachers.

The Art of Face Reading: An Intro to Your Constitution and Personality

Face reading is an ancient Taoist practice that was first used as a diagnostic tool by practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine to determine existing ailments as well as predispositions to illness of the mind, body and spirit. Following universal laws of nature, the face was considered a blueprint revealing your personality, strengths, challenges and the specific state of your organs. It is also used as a form of fortune telling and as our face changes so too does our fate.

In this introductory session to the art of face reading we will explore:
- the 5 different face types and associated personality traits
- the zones of the face and the organs that they correlate to
- how to determine vitality and constitution

Sunday 10:15am

Sara-Jane Cleland

Sara-Jane Cleland is a Dancing Freedom Facilitator, Naturopath, Herbalist, Nutritionist and Massage Therapist who lives on Gundungurra land in the Southern Highlands, NSW.

Her journey as a holistic practitioner began 30 years ago as a Yoga teacher and organically evolved into Bodywork, Naturopathy and Conscious Dance. In 2016, she discovered 5 rhythms dance on retreat with Gina Chick and became a passionate advocate for conscious dance. At the end of 2018, she journeyed to Byron Bay for intensive facilitator training in Dancing Freedom.

Since 2019, she has held monthly Dancing Freedom events, offering this powerful dance practice to her local community. In 2021, she designed a course - Women's Embodied Dance Journey through the 5 Elements - which combines meditation, a women's sharing circle and a dancing freedom journey.

She has collaborated with Anna Clarke to offer monthly Red Tent Women's circles and yearly Nurture & Nourish Women's retreats for the past 6 years.

Her passion is connection, connection to the innate healing power of the body, connection in community, co-creating and supporting each other, connection to oneself, your whole loving being, so worthy of self-love and creative expression.

Dancing Freedom : A Journey Through Feelings

Dancing Freedom is a conscious dance practice to support living in oneness with ourselves, each other, the earth and the cosmos. A free-form somatic practice that blends the medicine of dance with the medicine of ceremony and co-creation. Dancing freedom takes you on a guided dance journey through an elemental wave of Earth, Water, Fire, Air & Ether - deepening your connection to life.

In the dance, you are invited to explore an authentic way of moving - a creative expression of your unique being. There is only one rule in Dancing Freedom - you can't do it wrong! In the process of free movement with the structure of a wave pattern, it is possible to become a free flow of energy, moving into oneness, beyond the mind, personality and ego, to drop deeply into presence.

Conscious dance provides an opportunity to release physical tension and pain, to free energy in the body, to express emotions and sounds, to connect with others, to play and to remember that you LOVE to dance!

The theme for this workshop is 'A Journey through Feelings', using music and movement to express feelings and mapping a new way to experience and perceive feelings. We will journey through Fear, Joy, Anger & Sadness with the four elements arriving at Ether, a place of presence, emerging with the oneness of life.

Friday Night Special

Jill Healy-Quintard

My lifelong passion is Human Movement and Music. This has taken me on a journey of dance, acting, teaching, creating, presenting and awards for my Long-time Achievements by the Australian Fitness Network in 2006- 2008.
Presenting 2007-2019 in Australia and India and Europe in 2006 and 2017.
in 2019 and 2020 Fitness Australia awarded me Top 5 and Top 3 in Group Fitness and currently a 2021 Fitness Australia Awards Finalist.
Awarded as an Iconic Woman of the Century for my commitment to Wellbeing in 2017 at the Women’s Economic Forum. In August 2021 I was offered the inaugural Lifetime Fitness Australia Member by Barrie Elvish (CEO).
YogaPilates Fusion: A Mind Body and Balanced Practice was published in 2019 and my 2nd book Open the Gate which is part autobiographical and empowered living through a life of passion and balance, has been edited.
I am pro-age and believe living in a High Vibration. I share this awareness with women to be part of my High Vibe community and live their best life.
As Owner/Operator of Body and Balance Australia my goals include teaching, instructing and presenting my unique class styles, sharing my extensive knowledge, writing, presenting workshops and online programs globally.

Yoga Nidra: The Way to Deep Personal Growth and Empowerment

YogaNidra also known as the Waking Sleep can be practiced in Shavasana or Corpse Pose or sitting in a comfortable position.

Complete relaxation occurs through focus on breath and the whole body from toes to crown of head and the inclusion of positive Intentions. This helps to realise a resolve or bring what is required to achieve a positive outcome in life by, Seeing it, Saying it, Feeling what it is like and Making it happen and know it can be released to the Universe.

Added breathing techniques for complete wellness and mindbody balance. Plus visualisation of pure Gold Light tipping and surrounding the whole body with magical energy healing powers.

Breath, Meditation, Relaxation to reduce any stress you're carrying and move gently into the rest of the day...

Friday & Saturday 3pm

Sam Hawker

Sam is the passionate human driving Garden Kitchen Witch*n. In her life and work, she weaves in many modalities and practices - permaculture, women's work, deep ecology, grief work, embodiment, indigenous wisdom, activism, art of hosting, radical homemaking, the work that reconnects, emergent strategy, holistic management, cyclical living and even more ...

The integrity to her ethics is always evident, in cooking, teaching, holding space, and living life. Sam draws upon nearly a decade spent deeply embedded in one place and now is on new adventures, spreading roots throughout the region, bringing her passion for change to many communities.

Permaculture Basics

Permaculture basics : a brief dip into the permaculture ethics - Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share.
This is not a lecture, it will be an interactive space for us to explore together.

Friday & Sunday 1:15pm
WWG acknowledges the traditional owners of the land on which we live, work and hold the Conference. We recognise and celebrate the ongoing connection between land, sky, water and community and the beauty and strength of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, with deep respect for the ongoing traditions of health knowledge and treatment which have been practiced for generations.


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Wise Women Gathering

ACN : 609 578 501 

PO Box 391, Braidwood, NSW, 2622 

0482 955 340

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